How not to name your brand. Cristina BlackOctober 13, 2019brand naming, copywriting, you're doing it wrong
The case against toning it down. Cristina BlackMay 20, 2019brand voice strategy, copywriting, soccer moms aren't real
Copywriting is acting, brand voice strategy is screenwriting and your style guide is your script—and no, you don’t always have to follow it. Cristina BlackAugust 1, 2017brand voice strategy, copywriting, ecommerce copywriting, fashion copywriting
Copy creeps onto clothing, now in more personal ways. Cristina BlackFebruary 9, 2017copywriting, fashion copywriting
Visual copywriting and the incredible power of the Instagram quote wall. Cristina BlackJanuary 15, 2017copywriting, instagram
How to be really good at beauty copywriting, with Glossier's Annie Kreighbaum. Cristina BlackAugust 3, 2016copywriting, beauty industry, let's just be real
Be edgy or die. Cristina BlackMay 26, 2015copywriting, millennials, brand voice strategy, yoga every damn day